Tri.: Autumn
Tri.: Squirrel away for the winter
Tri.: The mighty maple and oak have fallen
Tri.: Benzene ring
Tri.: Intersection
Tri.: Up up up
Tri.: Connected
Tri.: Birthday wishes!
Tri.: Setting up
Tri.: UW Metal Sculpture
Tri.: UW Sunset
Tri.: Me, late '60's/early '70's style
Tri.: Justin as a Simpsons character (they didn't have many options for glasses)
Tri.: Me as a Simpsons character
Tri.: Amanitas
Tri.: Sunday Special
Tri.: Me and Jessie
Tri.: Sexxxxy faces
Tri.: ARRRGH!!!
Tri.: Kris having a good time
Tri.: Jerry
Tri.: Winner.
Tri.: @ Lo Fi
Tri.: Takoyaki at the Richmond night market
Tri.: Takoyaki at the Richmond night market
Tri.: Me at my reunion
Tri.: Us - a bike ride on our anniversary
Tri.: Our bikes
Tri.: View of Aurora Bridge at Gasworks Park