Ruthiepooh Steen:
4. Make a doll dress out of wrapping paper. Daisys’ photo hunt 2019.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
10. My 2019 Christmas card. Daisys’ photo hunt 2019
Ruthiepooh Steen:
7. Ice skating, bp for real ice. Daisys’ photo hunt 2019
Ruthiepooh Steen:
8. Cozy in pajamas. Daisys’ photo hunt 2019
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Winter wonderland contest.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Winter wonderland contest.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Details from winter wonderland scene.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Details from winter wonderland scene.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Details from winter wonderland scene.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Details from winter wonderland scene.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Details from winter wonderland scene.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
1. Giving cheer. Daisys‘ photo hunt 2019. Billy wanted to cheer up Sarah with an ice cream. It all went smoothly, until he tripped while approaching and the ice cream accidentally fell into his mouth... Thankfully they had more in the freezer 😂
Ruthiepooh Steen:
6. Playing a Christmas game. Daisys’ photo hunt 2019. They have created their own system to use an apple as dice.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
2. Holiday feast, preparing a meal. Daisys’ photo hunt 2019. Maya is a messy cook, but frankly the only one who can reach to stir the pots, lol.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Winter wonderland scene. Somehow this didn’t get posted...
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Young Jedies on the planet Hoth.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Special delivery!