Ruthiepooh Steen: 2. Alvin and Rudolph decided to climb to some higher ground to see the view.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 1. Alvin seems to be searching for something on this misty morning.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 3. “I haven’t seen any sign of the dragon lately. What about you?”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 4. Contemplating.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 5. “It was good that I remembered I had this book.”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 6. “I must be getting closer to the dragon.” Alvin found the dragon lair empty. The dragon must have taken off to warmer lands.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 7. The summer past and autumn came. “I have spotted some fresh dragon dung. That means the dragon is back finally.”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 8. Fiddle got to ride on the stag. Because that’s what fairies do.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 9. Living at the cottage sometimes causes challenging situations; “Are you sure this is necessary Fiddle?” “Yes Uncle Alvin, all that hiking has made you stink!”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 10. Much later, it is now mid winter: Nanni comes by to visit Alvin, and finds him sitting on the porch by his forevergreen house. “Oh yes, my magical spot of summer is still working very well. Do you have any news about the Dragon? “.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 11. Alvin shares the news with his friends Ponk and Fiddle. “Nanni says there has been some heavy melting on one of the hill tops. I think I should go up there to investigate.”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 12. “I better get a good nights sleep before my journey”.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 13. “Climbing this hill is hard work!”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 14. As they get closer to the summit, the snow starts getting more scarce. “Puh, it’s getting hot, let’s take a break.”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 15. “Did you hear that?” Their lunch gets interrupted by a sudden roar and a gust of wind.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 16. With a voice like rumbling thunder: «I am the Ferocious Rapturous Adroit Noble Knight, better known as Frank the Dragon. Who goes there?»
Ruthiepooh Steen: 17. “I am Alvin the Goblin. Would you like my sandwich?”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 18. «I haven’t had goblin in many moons, but I will try this Sand Witch that you offer so freely”
Ruthiepooh Steen: 19. They all try to have a relaxed lunch while Nanni explains the matter to Frank. “We have not been able to cross over to the fairy realm, and are in need of your magical assistance to mend it “.
Ruthiepooh Steen: 20. “Frank said he’d think about it, and then he just flew away!”