Ruthiepooh Steen:
“Lookie, such a pretty Elly”
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Billy loves his itty bitty bear by Olga Belova.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Birthday. New camera and a super cute panda from kukusikteddyshop!
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Blue group portrait. The magical arrival of Mr Umbrel.
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The night before. Billy fell asleep in the kitchen.
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The panda party
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3/3 Closeup of Rose.
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The new girls are bonding 😊
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All new with her tiny treasures.
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Billy, my Pooh- boy 😄💕
Ruthiepooh Steen:
“Isn’t he just a Little bit big?”
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Cuteness overload! We all adore this teeny tiny bunny from Zorgen handmade
Ruthiepooh Steen:
“Lookie, a pink elephant!”
Ruthiepooh Steen:
Maya brought her new teddy out for a walk.
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Sunny and Bunny and fall colors.
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Ruthiepooh Steen:
The Real Pooh Kids?