•ξ∂i•: Kitty's Adventure
ksblack99: Mountain View from Hebgen Mountain Road
ksblack99: Bald Eagle Flight
merebara: Urbasa
michael.beste: Only One Word
Sento74: Luna en la Isla de Tabarca
fernando.fadu: Ajo evolution
fernando.fadu: Huelva, Spain
JeffJeviPinto: “Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
JeffJeviPinto: “As I woke up this morning, and I opened my eyes, I am very grateful to see another sunrise” ― Charmaine J Forde
JeffJeviPinto: ‘For brightly breaking, there dawns a glorious morn, when the Holy Child was born’
Leonie Freiberg: Löwenzahn / Dandelion
Leonie Freiberg: Tulpen-Magnolie (Magnolia × soulangeana), saucer magnolia
Leonie Freiberg: Buschwindröschen (Anemone nemorosa), windflower
Leonie Freiberg: Großer Wollschweber (Bombylius major), large bee-fly
Leonie Freiberg: Apfelblüten / Apple blossoms
Leonie Freiberg: Abend am Biotop, Evening at the biotope
Leonie Freiberg: Birnenblüten / Pear blossoms
Josef...: ~green~
Josef...: among cattails
Josef...: young coyote howling
Josef...: LYNX
Josef...: what's that sound?
Josef...: ~thirsty~
Pallisoto: Vida de cordillera
Pallisoto: Talladas por el viento