ctaba67pdx: 372717101508270223_28983686120130921-26693-br5xzh
ctaba67pdx: Backyard test
ctaba67pdx: Bannister fun
ctaba67pdx: Griff in a tub
ctaba67pdx: Enjoying the sunshine!
ctaba67pdx: These boots are made for walkin'
ctaba67pdx: Visiting Sofi and Ella
ctaba67pdx: Drinking cold, cold, cold water
ctaba67pdx: On the way to Bella's
ctaba67pdx: 373522450633005143_28983686120130921-26693-1uf7odk
ctaba67pdx: 373548775234148677_28983686120130921-26693-ju299w
ctaba67pdx: Beauty in January
ctaba67pdx: Hangin' at Stumptown
ctaba67pdx: Clem picked this filter
ctaba67pdx: That smile!
ctaba67pdx: Hiding from paparazzi
ctaba67pdx: 4 X 4in'
ctaba67pdx: 374019783300815759_28983686120130921-26693-y3ttuh
ctaba67pdx: Princess in shadow
ctaba67pdx: Hobbes, the one eyed wonder
ctaba67pdx: Clem and Edie
ctaba67pdx: Clem demonstrating her own washing technique
ctaba67pdx: Tea time
ctaba67pdx: 374573967645416446_28983686120130921-26693-qyp7ao
ctaba67pdx: Rrrrrrraaaaarrrrr!!!!
ctaba67pdx: Rusianesque selfie
ctaba67pdx: Clem and Edie
ctaba67pdx: More night shots
ctaba67pdx: A bad case of heart head
ctaba67pdx: 376315799609874447_28983686120130921-26693-i6otep