Leaf Slayer: Rodney & John.
Leaf Slayer: Looking SE from Rocky Pt Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Dixie Mtn Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Homer at the grange.
Leaf Slayer: Looking west towards the Coast Range.
Leaf Slayer: Climbing.
Leaf Slayer: Such a great day for a ride.
Leaf Slayer: Onto the gravel.
Leaf Slayer: John on Dixie Mtn Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Descending Munson into Washington County.
Leaf Slayer: Phillips Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Newbury Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Newbury Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Newbury Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Newbury Rd.
Leaf Slayer: Heading out. I think this tree is dead.