Leaf Slayer:
Leaf Slayer:
Rainbows and rain.
Leaf Slayer:
Banks Vernonia Trail.
Leaf Slayer:
Pongratz Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Pongratz Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Leaf Slayer:
Ed climbing Strassel Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Strassel Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Climbing Strassel Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Ed on Strassel Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Surly CC.
Leaf Slayer:
Ed climbing Timber Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Timber Rd.
Leaf Slayer:
Evidence of my partiicpation.
Leaf Slayer:
Leaf Slayer:
Open Bar Panda.
Leaf Slayer:
Drying out.
Leaf Slayer:
More rain.
Leaf Slayer:
Banks Vernonia Trail.
Leaf Slayer:
Banks-Vernonia Trail.
Leaf Slayer:
Looking West from Stub Stewart SP.
Leaf Slayer:
Looking West.
Leaf Slayer:
A nice way to finish.