Leaf Slayer: Let's get on the road!
Leaf Slayer: Aaaarrrggghhhhh!!!
Leaf Slayer: Tim's bike.
Leaf Slayer: Tim's bike.
Leaf Slayer: Tim's bike.
Leaf Slayer: Tim's bike.
Leaf Slayer: Tim's bike.
Leaf Slayer: DSCN0764
Leaf Slayer: Eat your heart out Gary Taubes.
Leaf Slayer: McClellan Viewpoint
Leaf Slayer: Brooks and Mt St Helens.
Leaf Slayer: Dylan and Mt St Helens
Leaf Slayer: Big Red
Leaf Slayer: Mt St Helens, Big Red & Dylan.
Leaf Slayer: Clowns
Leaf Slayer: FS Rd 90.
Leaf Slayer: We watched some young rednecks walk out to the edge of the falls and jump in the river.
Leaf Slayer: I tried to get Dylan to jump but he wouldn't do it.
Leaf Slayer: Singletrack
Leaf Slayer: FS Rd 90 and Mt Adams.
Leaf Slayer: FS Rd 90 and Mt Adams.
Leaf Slayer: Lake Tahklakh.
Leaf Slayer: Dylan walking his bike.
Leaf Slayer: Babyshoe Pass
Leaf Slayer: DSCN0789