Leaf Slayer: Schwalbe, Rivendell, Nitto, Sackville
Leaf Slayer: Reclining at 7/11.
Leaf Slayer: Three favorites.
Leaf Slayer: All smiles.
Leaf Slayer: The Eugene posse.
Leaf Slayer: Ed's bike.
Leaf Slayer: Joshua's bike.
Leaf Slayer: Eric A.
Leaf Slayer: The start in Forest Grove.
Leaf Slayer: The start in Forest Grove.
Leaf Slayer: Hilsen
Leaf Slayer: Randonneur
Leaf Slayer: Joshua helping John change a flat.
Leaf Slayer: Randoliscious!
Leaf Slayer: Marcello
Leaf Slayer: Oregon
Leaf Slayer: At the turn around.
Leaf Slayer: Ed with his secret gloves.
Leaf Slayer: Jeff and bikes in Vernonia.
Leaf Slayer: Joshua's stuff.
Leaf Slayer: Vernonia
Leaf Slayer: Hwy 6.
Leaf Slayer: Why so serious?
Leaf Slayer: Randoliscious!