Leaf Slayer: Joshua giving last minute instructions.
Leaf Slayer: 600k start.
Leaf Slayer: On Vernonia bike path.
Leaf Slayer: Banks/Vernonia Bike Path.
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4015
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4016
Leaf Slayer: Randonneurs.
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4019
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4020
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4021
Leaf Slayer: Randonneurs
Leaf Slayer: Fort Stevens.
Leaf Slayer: Fort Stevens info control.
Leaf Slayer: WA from Fort Stevens.
Leaf Slayer: Fort Stevens info control.
Leaf Slayer: Food of the Gods.
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4028
Leaf Slayer: John D.
Leaf Slayer: Homer on the Oregon coast.
Leaf Slayer: 2010-05-22 16.37.53
Leaf Slayer: 2010-05-22 16.38.26
Leaf Slayer: 2010-05-22 16.38.50
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4031
Leaf Slayer: DSCN4032
Leaf Slayer: John and Handbone Jackson at the overnight control in Lincoln City.
Leaf Slayer: 2010-05-23 09.21.47
Leaf Slayer: Gravel section.
Leaf Slayer: 2010-05-23 09.29.19
Leaf Slayer: 2010-05-23 09.29.30