Fisherman01: Lockstep marching
Fisherman01: Which way?
Fisherman01: Björk, the mother
Fisherman01: Berna and Urs taking a sip
Fisherman01: Berna and Urs, the kids
Fisherman01: Finn, the father
Fisherman01: Mom, how cold is the water?
Fisherman01: Come on, in lockstep please
Fisherman01: Posing
Fisherman01: Gone for a walk
Fisherman01: Hi, everybody there?
Fisherman01: Mom I like your bed time stories
Fisherman01: Bearish harmony
Fisherman01: Little Ojo taking a bath
Fisherman01: Mom, what are we doing today?
Fisherman01: Ojo 8 months old
Fisherman01: Friendly and relaxed gaze
Fisherman01: I keep an eye on you
Fisherman01: Hey you, have we met before?
Fisherman01: Ojo the 1 year and 8 months old spectacled bear
Fisherman01: Ojo the funny spectacled bear
Fisherman01: Peacocks have access to all components
Fisherman01: Small discussion among small bears
Fisherman01: The climber
Fisherman01: Spectacled bears - 3 generations
Fisherman01: Ice, snow and a bear
Fisherman01: Posing 3 years old Spectacled bear
Fisherman01: Eye contact with a Red Panda