BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC_1183_72 - Veterans Apartments Next to LDS Clhurch
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC_1179_72 - Lincoln Grade School in Toppenish, WA (One of three grade schools I attended)
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC_1181_72 - Lincoln Grade School in Toppenish, WA (One of three grade schools I attended)
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC_1182_1 - Possibly Veterans Housing In 1947 where I probably Lived for a short time
BTerryComptonPhotography: Church Across The Street From The A. Berkeley and Mary N. Compton Veterans Administrrtion Apt. in Toppenish, Washington
BTerryComptonPhotography: VA Housing for our family in about 1947?
BTerryComptonPhotography: Mural On Side of Church in Toppenish Washington
BTerryComptonPhotography: Toppenish or Yakima Indians Winter Encampment as depicted as a mural on the Side of a building in Toppenish
BTerryComptonPhotography: A Freight Wagon Apparently of the Kind Used in the Early Days of Toppenish Washington
BTerryComptonPhotography: Mural depicting hop farming and harvesting and an Indian Village Nearby
BTerryComptonPhotography: Mural in Toppenish City Square
BTerryComptonPhotography: The Old and the New Toppenish Washington
BTerryComptonPhotography: Mural in Toppenish Washington Commemorating Its History
BTerryComptonPhotography: Mural on Toppenish Washington Building Commemorating History of the Area
BTerryComptonPhotography: Mural on Toppenish Washington Building Commemorating History of the Area
BTerryComptonPhotography: Mural on Toppenish Washington Building Commemorating History of the Area
BTerryComptonPhotography: Railroad Station in Toppenish Washington
BTerryComptonPhotography: Railroad Station in Toppenish Washington
BTerryComptonPhotography: Old Luggage Cart Used At Toppenish Washington Railroad
BTerryComptonPhotography: Old Movie Theater Where I Occassionally Paid 10 cents to Watch A Movie in the Late Forties
BTerryComptonPhotography: Entrance to the Toppenish Rodio and Carnival Grounds
BTerryComptonPhotography: Entrance to the Toppenish Rodio and Carnival Grounds
BTerryComptonPhotography: Toppenish Washington City Center