BTerryComptonPhotography: DSCN0863_1_72- Red Tinted Bush
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC00149_1_72 - Iced Bush
BTerryComptonPhotography: Thicket In An Oregon Wildlife Reguge
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSCN6342_1_72 - Photo of tall golden grassy plant near driveway and sidewalk
BTerryComptonPhotography: New Growth On A Pine Tree
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSCN1989_1_72 - Weed
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC00148_1_72 - Iced Bush
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSCN0322_1_72 - Bush
BTerryComptonPhotography: Foilage I n A Pacific Northwest Nature Refuge
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSCN6340_1_72 - Photo of tall golden grassy plant near driveway and sidewalk
BTerryComptonPhotography: New Growth On A Pine Tree
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC_0483_2_72 - Lilac Bush Buds
BTerryComptonPhotography: DSC_0483_1_72 - Lilac Bush Buds
BTerryComptonPhotography: Ready To Bloom