44123: Numberplate
44123: 4F makers plate 1925
44123: Steam Brake oil filler union
44123: safety valve body
44123: P1030836
44123: Machined axlebox oil fittings
44123: Gauge Frames
44123: 18072007625
44123: 4123_New Firedoor_130806
44123: 4123 Oil Fitting_006
44123: 4F Parts_170208 009
44123: Dbox comparison
44123: Whistle
44123: Pattern for tender water valve stuffing box gland nut
44123: Pattern for tender water valve stuffing box gland nut
44123: IMG_20131124_125458
44123: Pattern for tender brake gear bushes
44123: Pattern and core box for tender water flange fitting
44123: IMG_20131020_165610
44123: Support
44123: Tender water fittings castings in gunmetal.
44123: Loco and tender vacuum pipe swan neck castings.
44123: IMG_20141101_202853
44123: Pattern and core box for loco sanding Tee fitting.
44123: LH cab window frames
44123: IMG_7686[1]
44123: Vacuum connector
44123: Vacuum connectors - work in progress