Calcareous Al:
Cackling Geese family
Calcareous Al:
Cackling Geese
Calcareous Al:
Cackling and Canada Geese
Calcareous Al:
Cackling Geese with Mallard
Calcareous Al:
Weka, Ulva Island
Calcareous Al:
Weka, Ulva Island
Calcareous Al:
Red-billed Gulls, Kaikoura
Calcareous Al:
California Gull with abnormal bill
Calcareous Al:
California Gull with abnormal bill
Calcareous Al:
California Gull with abnormal bill
Calcareous Al:
Black-legged Kittiwake at Pyramid Lake
Calcareous Al:
Long-tailed Duck in Reno, Nevada
Calcareous Al:
Odd goose in Reno
Calcareous Al:
Odd goose with Greater White-fronted Geese and some ducks
Calcareous Al:
California Gull with abnormal beak
Calcareous Al:
Brewer's Blackbird with abnormal beak
Calcareous Al:
Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus)
Calcareous Al:
White-tailed Ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura)
Calcareous Al:
Slaty-backed or Glaucous-winged X Herring or Thayer's Gull or something on rock
Calcareous Al:
Slaty-backed or Glaucous-winged X Herring or Thayer's Gull or something
Calcareous Al:
Slaty-backed or Glaucous-winged X Herring or Thayer's Gull or something on water
Calcareous Al:
Sora "whinny" sound spectrogram
Calcareous Al:
Black-throated Sparrow alternating songs sound spectrogram
Calcareous Al:
American Kestrel young recently out of nest
Calcareous Al:
American Kestrel young recently out of nest
Calcareous Al:
Black-throated Sparrow, Keystone Canyon, Reno, Nevada, USA
Calcareous Al:
Black-throated Sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata)
Calcareous Al:
Black-throated Sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata)
Calcareous Al:
Black-throated Sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata)
Calcareous Al:
Black-throated Sparrow (Amphispiza bilineata)