Nance Fleming: Union Jack door.
Nance Fleming: Strolling on a Sunday, downtown London.
Nance Fleming: Night time on Regent Street.
Nance Fleming: Camden Market, touch ups.
Nance Fleming: The view from here.
Nance Fleming: From the tow path.
Nance Fleming: Welcome to the Cafe Royal.
Nance Fleming: Welcome to Cafe Royal.
Nance Fleming: Street performer, crooner, Jerri Hart.
Nance Fleming: "Taxi!"
Nance Fleming: Privacy.
Nance Fleming: Selfie.
Nance Fleming: Framed.
Nance Fleming: A castle on the canal, Regent's Canal, London.
Nance Fleming: Along the tow path, Regent's Canal, London.
Nance Fleming: January snow, Regent's Canal.
Nance Fleming: Crosswalk in the rain, Elgin Crescent and Kensington Park Road, London.
Nance Fleming: At the cafe.
Nance Fleming: Notting Hill Bookshop, London.
Nance Fleming: In the rain.
Nance Fleming: Taylor in London.
Nance Fleming: Parking-jam.
Nance Fleming: Reflections.
Nance Fleming: Tucked in the corner.
Nance Fleming: Stuck in traffic.
Nance Fleming: Streetlamp.
Nance Fleming: About the ride.
Nance Fleming: Patterns of a conversation.
Nance Fleming: Urban orb.
Nance Fleming: Toronto Streetcar advertising AGO, using Van Gogh's "Starry Night Over the Rhone". So many degrees of separation and then I step in to add another degree.