oonaghs_eye: 045 ninebark
oonaghs_eye: 057 chick lupine
oonaghs_eye: 079 (yellow) spring tarplant
oonaghs_eye: 083 Ring Mountain rock
oonaghs_eye: 088 Ring Mountain rocks
oonaghs_eye: 094 yellow flowers 2
oonaghs_eye: 100 chick lupines, spring tarplants and creamsacs (lower rt)
oonaghs_eye: 104 bee on white lupines 2
oonaghs_eye: 105 bee on white lupines 3
oonaghs_eye: 106 bee on white lupines 4.1
oonaghs_eye: 107 bee on white lupines 5
oonaghs_eye: 111 Marin dwarf flax 2
oonaghs_eye: 112 Tiburon Mariposa Lily bud 2
oonaghs_eye: 118 Buckeye tree
oonaghs_eye: 122 rattlesnake grass
oonaghs_eye: 068 tiburon mariposa lily 1 detail
oonaghs_eye: 069 tiburon mariposa lily 2 detail
oonaghs_eye: 077 tiburon mariposa lily 3
oonaghs_eye: 079 tiburon mariposa lily 4 detail
oonaghs_eye: 097 tiburon mariposa lilies with serpentine
oonaghs_eye: 102 tiburon mariposa lily 5
oonaghs_eye: 108 small white onion-like flowers
oonaghs_eye: 0113 cream sacs
oonaghs_eye: 0143 tiburon mariposa lily 7
oonaghs_eye: 0151 tiburon mariposa lilies
oonaghs_eye: 0161 opening tiburon mariposa lily
oonaghs_eye: 0168 stalk of lilies
oonaghs_eye: 0193 Ring Mountain ecosystem
oonaghs_eye: 0203 tiburon mariposa lily 8
oonaghs_eye: 0205 tiburon mariposa lily 9