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FarmFair - 2022 by Gordon M1
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Gordon M1
FarmFair - Angus cows
Gordon M1
FarmFair - blow drying Bettsie
Gordon M1
FarmFair - clean up crew
Gordon M1
FarmFair - feed buckets
Gordon M1
FarmFair - resting
Gordon M1
FarmFair - waiting for the call
Gordon M1
FarmFair - facing the judge
Gordon M1
FarmFair - cowboys talking
Gordon M1
FarmFair - prep area
Gordon M1
FarmFair - rabbits everywhere
Gordon M1
FarmFair - ready for the show
Gordon M1
FarmFair - taking it all in
Gordon M1
FarmFair - showring #2
Gordon M1
FarmFair - a nice hot shower
Gordon M1
FarmFair - father daughter
Gordon M1
FarmFair - two generations
Gordon M1
FarmFair - winner
Gordon M1
FarmFair - shampoo
Gordon M1
FarmFair - two hats talking
Gordon M1
FarmFair - a man and his cow
Gordon M1
FarmFair - Bee-Clean
Gordon M1
FarmFair - senior spectator
Gordon M1
FarmFair - water bottle
Gordon M1
FarmFair - young spectator
Gordon M1
FarmFair - two minutes of silence on Nov. 11
Gordon M1
FarmFair - the announcer
Gordon M1
FarmFair - ponytail
Gordon M1
FarmFair - anxious
Gordon M1
FarmFair - the commentator
Gordon M1
FarmFair - the judge
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