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Peru by Gordon M1
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Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - empty streets
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - rollerblader
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - together
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - bike rental
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - rose
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - Marriott Hotel
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - waterfront
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima pebble beach
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - restaurant on a breakwater pier
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - fishermen
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - fishy door knocker
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - palm tree and glass
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - spidermen
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - red flowers
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - expressive pottery
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - looking down
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - old and wrinkled
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - Inca dinka
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima flower bed
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - waiting for a riot
Gordon M1
PERU - Lima - Andean corn
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima blades and a bike
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima happy to be biking
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima - public transit on Arequipa avenue
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima - mini-bus
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima - tourist shops
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima - "donkey belly skies"
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima -breakwater restaurant
Gordon M1
Peru - Lima - fishermen
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