CathyH_: covered gate
CathyH_: wild flower
CathyH_: Taking care of business
CathyH_: Pretty N' Pink
CathyH_: Dzert !!
CathyH_: "Happy" Accident
CathyH_: columbine in morning light
CathyH_: Black Cap chickadee hunting
CathyH_: Black Cap Chickadee
CathyH_: red bud and blue sky's
CathyH_: daffodils are blooming
CathyH_: hyacinth
CathyH_: Spring has sprung
CathyH_: Snow cover
CathyH_: pine needles
CathyH_: snowy sunday
CathyH_: sparkles in white balance
CathyH_: The lines have ice on them.
CathyH_: branches with snow
CathyH_: roses are red
CathyH_: Cooper's Hawk looking for dinner
CathyH_: cone flower
CathyH_: green bee
CathyH_: duck in bath
CathyH_: goldfinch
CathyH_: flag
CathyH_: backyardpool
CathyH_: female red-breasted grosbeak
CathyH_: tulips
CathyH_: Fat Squirrel