Gab Bat: Where is China going?
Gab Bat: Kite
Gab Bat: On the road
Gab Bat: Street music
Gab Bat: Recycle
Gab Bat: Tourist season opening
Gab Bat: Saint Sophia Orthodox Cathedral
Gab Bat: Saint Sophia Orthodox Cathedral
Gab Bat: Industrial landscape
Gab Bat: Western style
Gab Bat: Cableway
Gab Bat: Synagogue
Gab Bat: Nap
Gab Bat: Industrial landscape
Gab Bat: On the way
Gab Bat: Flat bread
Gab Bat: Rifle-range
Gab Bat: Market
Gab Bat: Work in progress
Gab Bat: Conductor
Gab Bat: Chimney
Gab Bat: On the train
Gab Bat: Bilingual landscape
Gab Bat: Hotel workers
Gab Bat: Hot spring
Gab Bat: Chang bai shan - 长白山
Gab Bat: Chang bai shan - 长白山
Gab Bat: Urban landscape
Gab Bat: In the city
Gab Bat: In the country