Daniel MacDondale: Bucheon Korea
Daniel MacDondale: Bucheon Korea
Daniel MacDondale: Bucheon Korea
Daniel MacDondale: use "the claw" to grab a can of Pringles?
Daniel MacDondale: local school
Daniel MacDondale: There are some strange things around town...
Daniel MacDondale: Ummm, how long would this last on a downtown US street?
Daniel MacDondale: famous shopping area Namdaemun market street
Daniel MacDondale: Mountains and mountains
Daniel MacDondale: Sort of a Pyrex Mountain
Daniel MacDondale: Something about pigs heads
Daniel MacDondale: Ship of Theseus?
Daniel MacDondale: Another Strange Thing
Daniel MacDondale: Art and Fence.
Daniel MacDondale: Shopping Mall Art?
Daniel MacDondale: Street art with a heart
Daniel MacDondale: Inside the green tube
Daniel MacDondale: From the green tube