Juliaaa: Krysta has a mad scientist shirt
Juliaaa: Lee drills a hole in a coke cap
Juliaaa: Crushed Mento powder
Juliaaa: Mentsplosion!
Juliaaa: Moss tests the Ph level of club soda
Juliaaa: Conclusion that diet coke is more splodey than club soda
Juliaaa: Crushed mento creates smaller explosion
Juliaaa: Red hots smoother than mentos
Juliaaa: Sour gummy bear super splosion!
Juliaaa: Geoffrey skins mentos
Juliaaa: Erika tries a mento in mouth then drinking coke. Nothing happens.
Juliaaa: Mento shell only creates impressive spray
Juliaaa: Nerds!
Juliaaa: Nerds are fizzy
Juliaaa: Nerds lose their color suggesting coating is what fizzes
Juliaaa: Erika makes notations while Lee does things with vinegar
Juliaaa: Baking soda and vinegar jet
Juliaaa: Adding diet coke to five mentos not as effective as baking soda and vinegar
Juliaaa: Adding vinegar to baking soda
Juliaaa: Altoids produce sustained bubbling
Juliaaa: Lee tastes altoid coke for the group
Juliaaa: Krysta brandishes ground nerds
Juliaaa: Crushed nerd fountain
Juliaaa: Tic tac coke is a bust
Juliaaa: The ravages of science upon the environment
Juliaaa: Tim makes a harness for a filed mento
Juliaaa: Sustained filed mento bubbling
Juliaaa: Lee drills mentos
Juliaaa: Science!
Juliaaa: Grand finale five mentos in two litres of diet coke