Benny Hünersen: Do not despair. It shall all be well
Benny Hünersen: It is like braille in the night
Benny Hünersen: Lunchplate at Madkælderen
Benny Hünersen: Lunchpalte at Madkælderen
Benny Hünersen: Pumpkin at Madkælderen
Benny Hünersen: Pancakes and Ice at Mormors Ishjørne
Benny Hünersen: Roast pork and pork rind at Brians
Benny Hünersen: Watching shadows melt the light
Benny Hünersen: It is the thought that moves you upward
Benny Hünersen: Tie another one to the racks
Benny Hünersen: Didn't know what it felt like to be alive
Benny Hünersen: They are all bound to leave some keepsakes
Benny Hünersen: Last trip on the dragonship
Benny Hünersen: There must be lights burning brighter, somewhere
Benny Hünersen: The only way out is through
Benny Hünersen: We have lost control
Benny Hünersen: In a day you smell the turn of summer. In a day the winter had begun