Strobist Girl: Hope is seeing everything in beauty
Strobist Girl: Everyday is a new beginning
Strobist Girl: Rose Petals
Strobist Girl: Morning Light
Strobist Girl: Coffee Love
Strobist Girl: Making Me Hungry
Strobist Girl: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Strobist Girl: a solitary walk
Strobist Girl: Route 66 in New Mexico
Strobist Girl: She has grown up over night
Strobist Girl: Ian and his girlfriend
Strobist Girl: Baby Artichokes
Strobist Girl: chinese tea
Strobist Girl: Who knew grilled carrots were so yummny!
Strobist Girl: trying to be healthy
Strobist Girl: Spring Break trip to the GA coast
Strobist Girl: White Orchid
Strobist Girl: Hello Sweetie
Strobist Girl: Tarragon Basil Rosted Tomato Soup
Strobist Girl: My Zoolander Kid
Strobist Girl: Christmas Michigan
Strobist Girl: Established 1971
Strobist Girl: “The soul is healed by being with children.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Strobist Girl: Beach trip to Amelia Island in 2011.
Strobist Girl: My Girl from 2011
Strobist Girl: My Girl at Her BRO's Jazz Band Concert
Strobist Girl: LOVE this Family!