samzsnaps: Guck or Doose?
samzsnaps: Threes a crowd !
samzsnaps: Ah! Gefinitely Ducks!
samzsnaps: Wood pigeon on the roof.
samzsnaps: Black headed gulls against a blue sky.
samzsnaps: DSC00048_1
samzsnaps: DSC00136_1_1
samzsnaps: DSC00024
samzsnaps: DSC00017
samzsnaps: Another goose.
samzsnaps: Over the wall.
samzsnaps: Waiting around for the next meal.
samzsnaps: Preening time.
samzsnaps: Sitting on the fence.
samzsnaps: DSC03960
samzsnaps: Yes, yes! Just there....ooooh.....lovely..
samzsnaps: Full flight.
samzsnaps: Watching.
samzsnaps: All mine !
samzsnaps: Squabble.
samzsnaps: Last of the Sun.
samzsnaps: Foraging.
samzsnaps: Waiting.
samzsnaps: The Problem with short Legs !