Knud Hald: Trees on the Olsbæk meadow
Knud Hald: Trees on the Olsbæk meadow
Knud Hald: Nature on a foggy day at Greve Beach March 2024
Knud Hald: Nature on a foggy day at Greve beach March 2024
Knud Hald: A foggy day at Greve Beach March 2024
Knud Hald: Steen Rasmussen Quinteto feat. Leo Minax in Portalen, Greve Denmark
Knud Hald: Trees on the Olsbæk meadow
Knud Hald: The stream near Rævebakken (Foxhill) in Greve, Denmark
Knud Hald: Rævebakken in april
Knud Hald: Butterbur (Petasides hybridus) on the meadow close to Rævebakken and the stream Olsbæk in Greve, Denmark
Knud Hald: Butterbur (Petasides hybridus)
Knud Hald: The stream near Rævebakken (Foxhill) in Greve, Denmark
Knud Hald: Springtime at Olsbæk stream
Knud Hald: Houses with colours, Photowalk in Køge, Denmark
Knud Hald: Beautiful old houses in Køge photographed during photowalk in Køge 2024-07-07
Knud Hald: Lovparken i Køge. Fotowalk in Køge 2024-07-07
Knud Hald: Window on the oldest house in Køge.