Phil_Taylor: Top deck party
Phil_Taylor: Zim counts up the cost
Phil_Taylor: Lets get this party started
Phil_Taylor: Northern lads hide in the bracken
Phil_Taylor: Definitely more ballast
Phil_Taylor: Adam takes a hit
Phil_Taylor: Pengy prepares for another cut
Phil_Taylor: Adam & Zim take shelter
Phil_Taylor: All gone out flying
Phil_Taylor: The planes take a snooze
Phil_Taylor: Pinkies
Phil_Taylor: Andy does the ironing
Phil_Taylor: A pair of domestics
Phil_Taylor: Barn life
Phil_Taylor: Air Lundy
Phil_Taylor: Kev takes dictation
Phil_Taylor: Rainbow at the end of day 5
Phil_Taylor: Heinkel crash site 1
Phil_Taylor: Heinkel engine
Phil_Taylor: Heinkel crash site 2
Phil_Taylor: Mike meets a crank
Phil_Taylor: Coming to take us away
Phil_Taylor: Tom's sea shanty
Phil_Taylor: Lundy T-shirt model
Phil_Taylor: Mike in natural pose
Phil_Taylor: Crashed Gull
Phil_Taylor: Shredded gull
Phil_Taylor: Puffin
Phil_Taylor: Scenic_2