Griffi88: The Beatles and Lightsabers
Griffi88: the secret smiles
Griffi88: lovely spine
Griffi88: just killing time and making noise
Griffi88: Allison
Griffi88: I'm distant in those hollow eyes
Griffi88: you were my greatest mistake
Griffi88: sarah's siesta
Griffi88: faceless vanity
Griffi88: from the shadows and into the spotlight
Griffi88: Ryan and Dylan
Griffi88: Self-portrait.
Griffi88: 59. This I Know
Griffi88: tonight your dinner is free
Griffi88: these syllables won't bring you back
Griffi88: I swear to you now, I won't call.
Griffi88: Vanished
Griffi88: stay with me until the end
Griffi88: swallowed whole and out of reach
Griffi88: just think dumb .
Griffi88: compassion with the sting of iodine
Griffi88: you are the blood
Griffi88: You ask me how to cure a headache ,
Griffi88: truant kids
Griffi88: Saw death on a sunny snow.