DeeAshley: I (STILL) Miss You So Damn Much.
Nick Scobel: Scarlet Kingsnake
Steven David Johnson: Red Salamander, George Washington National Forest near Church Rock
Jeremy Schumacher: Western Cottonmouth
corey.raimond: Tall Green Milkweed
Joeweav: Touch of red
Joeweav: Playing with paint
Jeremy Schumacher: Mimosa Bloom
jimf_29605: Trillium undulatum (Painted Trillium)
Joeweav: 20160423-DSC_2587-Edit.jpg
dhalephotos: morning in the pasture
Joeweav: 20160410-DSC_1182-Edit.jpg
Tristan Schramer: Queen Snake
jimf_29605: Red Camellia study
Matt Buckingham: Spring Peeper
Tristan Schramer: Great Bladderwort
Brad Wilson, DVM: Rafflesia arnoldii, Giant Corpse Flower in habitat, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Joeweav: Camel Rock
swbshop1: Green Heron
iryna.klyuka: Beatrice
~ cynthiak ~: Don’t believe everything you hear and only half of what you see...
dhalephotos: come in
Kevin Stohlgren: Oedipina alleni
Nick Chill Photography: Pheasant Faceoff
kaptainkory: Ringed Salamander
Thomas Shahan 3: Choeradodis sp. Hooded Mantis - Cayo District, Belize
Nick Scobel: Eastern Mud Snake
santosh_shanmuga: Take Flight
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