buck1234562001: superman v lois
buck1234562001: my fledgling hero
buck1234562001: lil' boy lost dressed so nicely
buck1234562001: I'm looking for help... but not from a surgeon!
buck1234562001: "america eats its young and we are all part of america"
buck1234562001: written on the page
buck1234562001: iraq in april before the fun starts or, Dick-- i'm so chained.
buck1234562001: head case in glee.
buck1234562001: wrenching from every angle or the upside down twinkie defense
buck1234562001: charmed lives copy
buck1234562001: hand maneouvers
buck1234562001: picasso imagines a blow; joseph cornell experiences a blow
buck1234562001: Ladies and Head Inside a Case or, "the Head Case"
buck1234562001: you laugh at my culture?
buck1234562001: old friends in an unfamiliar place
buck1234562001: JOKER like dem ladies.
buck1234562001: Jesus, whatta Christ!
buck1234562001: love your zoot suit!
buck1234562001: just visiting
buck1234562001: I speak your tongue, but do you?
buck1234562001: liquid prison
buck1234562001: all products on sale now!
buck1234562001: complain to management
buck1234562001: franky and the missus at the claire de lune
buck1234562001: queen loves pork
buck1234562001: ancient recipe
buck1234562001: prefabricated body OR MONDUS ELECTORUS TOOLSHED
buck1234562001: DEVIL DANCE (and new devil dance plus)
buck1234562001: baked beans