buck1234562001: WHICH ONE OF YOU IS MY MOMMY?
buck1234562001: I'm looking for help... but not from a surgeon!
buck1234562001: Ringo was my favorite!
buck1234562001: welcome home alien; how's about a hug.
buck1234562001: wish I had his talent for provocation.
buck1234562001: hi little one I'm Vladimer.
buck1234562001: just visiting
buck1234562001: my club tells a different story
buck1234562001: pay to play
buck1234562001: gogdlo 011
buck1234562001: red carpet treatment
buck1234562001: woman-- my paisan
buck1234562001: Doris, know this: behind his complacency lurks malignancy!.
buck1234562001: Rosey Bishop
buck1234562001: mr. bishop on the run while nude in the starry night.
buck1234562001: "UGH"-- translated as "let me love you"
buck1234562001: CALL IN THE CAVALRY
buck1234562001: seafarer meets his match
buck1234562001: Got milk!!!
buck1234562001: AJAX dance competition
buck1234562001: the doctor says no more acid!
buck1234562001: political commentary
buck1234562001: I'm troubled
buck1234562001: my brother may be just visiting... but he sure is angelic.
buck1234562001: the munsters was my favorite show
buck1234562001: my fledgling hero
buck1234562001: let us get one thing straight-- I left the blotter at home!
buck1234562001: I'm outta glucose!