R. Bruce Photos:
American White Pelicans 23
R. Bruce Photos:
American White Pelicans 22
R. Bruce Photos:
American White Pelicans 21
R. Bruce Photos:
American White Pelicans 20
R. Bruce Photos:
Willet (a very thin one)
R. Bruce Photos:
Nelson's Sparrow
R. Bruce Photos:
Buff-bellied Hummingbird 01
R. Bruce Photos:
Crested Caracara sunset 03
R. Bruce Photos:
Crested Caracara sunset 02
R. Bruce Photos:
Crested Caracara sunset 01
R. Bruce Photos:
White-tailed Kite 07
R. Bruce Photos:
White-tailed Kite 06
R. Bruce Photos:
White-tailed Kite 05
R. Bruce Photos:
White-tailed Kite 04
R. Bruce Photos:
White-tailed Kite 03
R. Bruce Photos:
White-tailed Kite 02
R. Bruce Photos:
White-tailed Kite 01
R. Bruce Photos:
12 of 18 White-tailed Kites here
R. Bruce Photos:
R. Bruce Photos:
American Kestrel 11
R. Bruce Photos:
Frog (tree variety of some sort- green too)
R. Bruce Photos:
Black-bellied Whisling-Ducks 20
R. Bruce Photos:
Fulvous Whistling-Duck 21-
R. Bruce Photos:
Fulvous Whistling-Duck 20
R. Bruce Photos:
Vermillion Flycatcher 23
R. Bruce Photos:
Vermillion Flycatcher 22-
R. Bruce Photos:
Vermillion Flycatcher 21
R. Bruce Photos:
Vermillion Flycatcher 20
R. Bruce Photos:
Lots of White-winged Doves
R. Bruce Photos:
Caspian and Royal Terns (in that order)