R. Bruce Photos: Least Sandpiper and Semi-palmated Sandpiper
R. Bruce Photos: Marbled Godwit 41
R. Bruce Photos: Marbled Godwit 41
R. Bruce Photos: Marbled Godwit 41
R. Bruce Photos: Short-billed Dowitcher 31
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope 14
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope 13
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope 12
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalaropes 11
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope and Wilson's Phalarope 10
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope left, Wilson's Phalarope right
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope and Wilson's Phalarope 08
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope and Wilson's Phalarope 07
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalaropes 06
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope and Wilson's Phalarope 05
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalaropes 04
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalarope and Wilson's Phalarope 03
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalaropes 02
R. Bruce Photos: Red-necked Phalaropes 01
R. Bruce Photos: Upland Sandpiper 31
R. Bruce Photos: Buff-breasted Sandpiper 12
R. Bruce Photos: Buff-breasted Sandpiper 11
R. Bruce Photos: American Golden-Plover and Buff-breasted Sandpiper
R. Bruce Photos: American Golden-Plovers
R. Bruce Photos: Pectoral Sandpiper 31