R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover and unlucky Fiddler Crab 2
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover and unlucky Fiddler Crab
R. Bruce Photos: White-rumped Sandpiper 01
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 08
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover with Black-bellied in background
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 07-
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 06
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 05
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 04
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 03
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 02
R. Bruce Photos: Wilson's Plover 01
R. Bruce Photos: Fiddler Crab
R. Bruce Photos: Brown Thrasher immature 04
R. Bruce Photos: Brown Thrasher immature 03
R. Bruce Photos: Brown Thrasher immature 02
R. Bruce Photos: Brown Thrasher immature 01
R. Bruce Photos: Brown Thrasher 11-