R. Bruce Photos:
Brown-headed Cowbird 12
R. Bruce Photos:
Brown-headed Cowbird 11
R. Bruce Photos:
Mr. Red-winged Blackbird
R. Bruce Photos:
Ms Red-winged Blackbird 31
R. Bruce Photos:
Ms Red-winged Blackbird 30
R. Bruce Photos:
R. Bruce Photos:
big Blue Crab
R. Bruce Photos:
Little Blue Heron
R. Bruce Photos:
Little Blue Heron and Dowitchers
R. Bruce Photos:
Little Blue Heron and Dowitchers
R. Bruce Photos:
Greater Yellowlegs 40
R. Bruce Photos:
Short-billed Dowitcher 12
R. Bruce Photos:
Short-billed Dowitcher 11
R. Bruce Photos:
White Ibis 22
R. Bruce Photos:
White Ibis 21
R. Bruce Photos:
White Ibis 20
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 28
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 27
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 26
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 25
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 24
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 23
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 22
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 21
R. Bruce Photos:
Tri-colored Heron 20
R. Bruce Photos:
The wonderfully elegant Tri-colored Heron
R. Bruce Photos:
Black Duck making shade for duckling
R. Bruce Photos:
Ghost Crab 01
R. Bruce Photos:
Piping Plover 13-
R. Bruce Photos:
Piping Plover 12