R. Bruce Photos: Golden-headed Cisticola 02-
R. Bruce Photos: Pale-yellow Robin 01-
R. Bruce Photos: Black-headed Honeyeater 04
R. Bruce Photos: Black-faced Cormorant 11
R. Bruce Photos: Black-faced Cormorant 12
R. Bruce Photos: Green Rosella 00-
R. Bruce Photos: Yellow-throated Honeyeater 02-
R. Bruce Photos: Pacific Gulls 02
R. Bruce Photos: Tasmanian Thornbill 01-
R. Bruce Photos: Scrubtit 01-
R. Bruce Photos: Tasmanian Native-hen 01-
R. Bruce Photos: Black-shouldered Kite 20-
R. Bruce Photos: Spotted Harrier 01
R. Bruce Photos: White-breasted Woodswallow 31-
R. Bruce Photos: Regent Parrot 06- Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides
R. Bruce Photos: White-browed Woodswallow 02
R. Bruce Photos: Chestnut Quail-thrush 03 (F)
R. Bruce Photos: Apostlebird 01
R. Bruce Photos: Apostlebird 02
R. Bruce Photos: Little Corellas 01-
R. Bruce Photos: Black-headed Honeyeaters
R. Bruce Photos: Strong-billed Honeyeater 01-
R. Bruce Photos: Wedge-tailed Eagle 31-
R. Bruce Photos: White-winged Chough 13
R. Bruce Photos: Ms Superb Fairy-wren 01-
R. Bruce Photos: Superb Fairy-wren and bug
R. Bruce Photos: Musk Lorikeet 24
R. Bruce Photos: Hooded Pover 36-
R. Bruce Photos: White-winged Chough and bug 02
R. Bruce Photos: Silvereye 10-