R. Bruce Photos:
Eastern Bluebird juvie
R. Bruce Photos:
Yellow-throated Warbler 11
R. Bruce Photos:
Yellow-throated Warbler and fishing line
R. Bruce Photos:
American Avocets 01
R. Bruce Photos:
Belted Kingfisher 22
R. Bruce Photos:
American Avocets 02
R. Bruce Photos:
Western Sandpiper 01
R. Bruce Photos:
Solitary Sandpiper 11
R. Bruce Photos:
Solitary Sandpiper 12
R. Bruce Photos:
American Avocet 03
R. Bruce Photos:
American Avocet 04
R. Bruce Photos:
American Avocets 05
R. Bruce Photos:
American Avocet 06
R. Bruce Photos:
Spotted Sandpiper (winter and or immature)4
R. Bruce Photos:
Spotted Sandpiper (winter and or immature)3
R. Bruce Photos:
Spotted Sandpiper (winter and or immature) 2-
R. Bruce Photos:
Spotted Sandpiper (winter and or immature)1
R. Bruce Photos:
Eastern Towhee 11
R. Bruce Photos:
Yellow-throated Vireo 01
R. Bruce Photos:
Yellow-throated Vireo 02
R. Bruce Photos:
Yellow-throated Vireo 03
R. Bruce Photos:
House Wren 13
R. Bruce Photos:
House Wren 12
R. Bruce Photos:
House Wren 11
R. Bruce Photos:
Swainson's Thrush 10
R. Bruce Photos:
Swainson's Thrush 07
R. Bruce Photos:
Swainson's Thrush 06
R. Bruce Photos:
Swainson's Thrush 05
R. Bruce Photos:
Swainson's Thrush 04
R. Bruce Photos:
Swainson's Thrush 03