R. Bruce Photos:
Snowy Egret
R. Bruce Photos:
Black-crowned Night Heron Immature
R. Bruce Photos:
Black-crowned Night Heron Immature
R. Bruce Photos:
Yellow-crowned Night Heron Immature
R. Bruce Photos:
Little Blue Heron
R. Bruce Photos:
Great Egret
R. Bruce Photos:
Black-bellied Plover (winter plumage)
R. Bruce Photos:
Turtle (Painted Turtle I believe... let me know if you think different).
R. Bruce Photos:
Marbled Godwit
R. Bruce Photos:
R. Bruce Photos:
Black-crowned Night Heron Immature
R. Bruce Photos:
Clapper Rail
R. Bruce Photos:
Clapper Rail
R. Bruce Photos:
Not sure why it's not with the other Oyster Shack photos
R. Bruce Photos:
Glossy Ibis
R. Bruce Photos:
Pie-billed Grebe
R. Bruce Photos:
Pie-billed Grebe
R. Bruce Photos:
Sika Elk
R. Bruce Photos:
Immature Bald Eagle on a duck blind in the rain
R. Bruce Photos:
Clapper Rail
R. Bruce Photos:
Wild Turkeys
R. Bruce Photos:
Wild Turkeys
R. Bruce Photos:
Oyster Shack and Duck Blind
R. Bruce Photos:
Oyster Shack and Duck Blind
R. Bruce Photos:
Oyster Shack and Duck Blind
R. Bruce Photos:
Oyster Shack and Duck Blind
R. Bruce Photos:
Glossy Ibis but more of a landscape photo
R. Bruce Photos:
Glossy Ibis too far to see well
R. Bruce Photos:
Glossy Ibis
R. Bruce Photos:
Later that same morning...