rick4oz: German taxis
rick4oz: A fountain
rick4oz: A relatively modern building designed to look old
rick4oz: A giant granite bowl
rick4oz: Berlin museum with a big bowl in front
rick4oz: Bikes for hire
rick4oz: Statue in the war memorial
rick4oz: A different type of war memorial
rick4oz: An historic university in Berlin
rick4oz: Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin
rick4oz: A section of the Berlin wall
rick4oz: This balloon wants people to die!
rick4oz: A painting showing how good communism is supposed to be
rick4oz: Hitler's bunker is underneath
rick4oz: Inside the memorial
rick4oz: Jewish holocaust memorial
rick4oz: A normal street in place of the Berlin Wall
rick4oz: This used to be part of the Berlin wall
rick4oz: Pedalling in all directions
rick4oz: Back of a solar powered car
rick4oz: A solar powered car
rick4oz: A famous hotel in Berlin
rick4oz: Beverages to watch football
rick4oz: Setting up a screen for Germans to watch football
rick4oz: A lake in a big park in Berlin
rick4oz: A place to get sun in Berlin
rick4oz: Berlin station
rick4oz: Reichstag
rick4oz: Brandenburg Gate
rick4oz: On top of the Brandenburg Gate