Ken Schuler Photography: Disapproving Stares
Ken Schuler Photography: Decay of Organized Religion
Ken Schuler Photography: Stations of the Cross
Ken Schuler Photography: Plenty of Natural Light
Ken Schuler Photography: Meet Me at the Altar
Ken Schuler Photography: God Wants to Eat Me
Ken Schuler Photography: Painted Saints
Ken Schuler Photography: Hit it Maestro
Ken Schuler Photography: God Shines His Light
Ken Schuler Photography: Someday, I'm Gonna Rise Up Singing
Ken Schuler Photography: Religion Askew
Ken Schuler Photography: God Lives Upstairs
Ken Schuler Photography: Under the Stairs
Ken Schuler Photography: A Walk Down the Asile
Ken Schuler Photography: And Some Never Make it to Heaven
Ken Schuler Photography: Singing His Praise
Ken Schuler Photography: Lofty Aspirations
Ken Schuler Photography: Devil's in the Details
Ken Schuler Photography: Ladder to Heaven
Ken Schuler Photography: Light from Above
Ken Schuler Photography: Body Storage for those Cold Winters