Ken Schuler Photography: To the victor, go the spoil
Ken Schuler Photography: Goldfinch, pink buds
Ken Schuler Photography: Breeding plumage
Ken Schuler Photography: The balancing act
Ken Schuler Photography: Sailin' away on the crest of a wave
Ken Schuler Photography: My Momma done told me, git sum'thin fer dinner...
Ken Schuler Photography: Tree Swallow with signage
Ken Schuler Photography: Not yer every day eatin' chickens
Ken Schuler Photography: Epic Duck battle
Ken Schuler Photography: The first Titmouse that has come to feed
Ken Schuler Photography: You have a little something...
Ken Schuler Photography: My first Finch of the season
Ken Schuler Photography: Uncropped Blue Jay looking for seed
Ken Schuler Photography: A fat, happy wren
Ken Schuler Photography: Starling in the sun
Ken Schuler Photography: So it's not just birds of a feather...
Ken Schuler Photography: "Paparazzi, why must they stalk me like Vultures?"
Ken Schuler Photography: Panoramic Great Blue Heron
Ken Schuler Photography: Dark-Eye on me
Ken Schuler Photography: Love on the wing
Ken Schuler Photography: ADD with feathers
Ken Schuler Photography: A mouses' nightmare
Ken Schuler Photography: The rear view of the Eastern Phoebe
Ken Schuler Photography: Northern Flicker... uh, on Flickr
Ken Schuler Photography: Black Crow/Blue Sky