Ken Schuler Photography:
Detail: Downy Woodpecker, female
Ken Schuler Photography:
"Ok, these three cardinals walk into a bar..."
Ken Schuler Photography:
Enjoying a warm fall sunset
Ken Schuler Photography:
Bird in bokeh
Ken Schuler Photography:
Ken Schuler Photography:
Wadda yous lookin' at?
Ken Schuler Photography:
A whole flock of birds in a little tiny body
Ken Schuler Photography:
The patience of a saint
Ken Schuler Photography:
Geese on the wing
Ken Schuler Photography:
Ken Schuler Photography:
If you're not the lead bird,
Ken Schuler Photography:
Southward bound
Ken Schuler Photography:
Woodpecker, schumoodpecker
Ken Schuler Photography:
Ah, to be a sea gull...
Ken Schuler Photography:
A kamikaze fry diver in action
Ken Schuler Photography:
There's sea gulls every where
Ken Schuler Photography:
Sea gull in blue
Ken Schuler Photography:
A face only a mother could love
Ken Schuler Photography:
Uncropped Blue Jay looking for seed
Ken Schuler Photography:
Red Bellied Woodpecker, of the female variety
Ken Schuler Photography:
Starling in the sun
Ken Schuler Photography:
Downy soft
Ken Schuler Photography:
A fat, happy wren
Ken Schuler Photography:
Feathered Schizophrenic
Ken Schuler Photography:
Ken Schuler Photography:
Sittin' Pretty
Ken Schuler Photography:
ADD with feathers
Ken Schuler Photography:
So it's not just birds of a feather...
Ken Schuler Photography:
Zen, or some stuff like that...
Ken Schuler Photography:
Trust is a two way street