Don Boys: DSCF1037
Don Boys: DSCF1036
Don Boys: DSCF1035
Don Boys: Midland Farmer's Market
Don Boys: One of Midland's great vendors.
Don Boys: Corn is in!
Don Boys: Midland Farmer's Market
Don Boys: And great veggies too!
Don Boys: The fruit is wonderful!
Don Boys: _DSC2582
Don Boys: _DSC2604
Don Boys: Farmer's Market area
Don Boys: Gerstacker's watch the Tridge
Don Boys: The Tridge
Don Boys: The Tridge
Don Boys: _DSC2594
Don Boys: _DSC2589
Don Boys: _DSC2585
Don Boys: _DSC2584
Don Boys: Flowers everywhere
Don Boys: Self Portrait at the H
Don Boys: The H
Don Boys: _DSC2575
Don Boys: The H Hotel
Don Boys: Meier Camera Shop
Don Boys: Catholic church in Midland