angrycorella: unit styles
angrycorella: took a year or so to sell
angrycorella: warwick rd proposed units
angrycorella: no gardens
angrycorella: concreted Greensborough garden
angrycorella: no more garden, Macleod
angrycorella: the new Greensborough garden
angrycorella: units with wooden bits in Willis st
angrycorella: units next to funeral parlor
angrycorella: development in lorimer st
angrycorella: new units with metal roof
angrycorella: more new units in grimshaw st
angrycorella: new units in grimshaw st
angrycorella: nell st double storey units
angrycorella: brown units in hailes st
angrycorella: grimshaw street garden
angrycorella: view of tree chainsawing from grimshaw st
angrycorella: hideous new units