HERE arts: Cristóbal with Rosita "offstage"
HERE arts: Cristóbal admires Rosita
HERE arts: Director and hands clapping
HERE arts: Poet frees Cristóbal from cage
HERE arts: Poet speaks to Cristóbal
HERE arts: Poet and Cristóbal create a song together
HERE arts: Cristóbal greets Rosita "offstage"
HERE arts: Rosita refuses Cristóbal
HERE arts: The Director and the hand puppets
HERE arts: Don Cristobal: The Director cheers up Cristóbal
HERE arts: The flowers escape
HERE arts: A walk in the park
HERE arts: Cristóbal is distracted
HERE arts: "Where do you go to fix a broken heart?" "The puppet maker"
HERE arts: The Midnight Hours
HERE arts: Don Cristóbal calls to Rosita
HERE arts: "And now, for holy matrimony..."
HERE arts: Rosita's mother tempts Cristóbal