Oxford Brookes University: A hardy group of geographers… taking shelter from the rain.
Oxford Brookes University: Lots of data being carefully recorded.
Oxford Brookes University: Panoramic view from the top of the Sierra Cabrera looking to the north into the Sorbas/Vera basins.
Oxford Brookes University: The joys of manual particle size analysis.
Oxford Brookes University: GPS measurements.
Oxford Brookes University: Measuring a channel cross-section in Rambla Alias.
Oxford Brookes University: A very neat fieldsketch of the locality.
Oxford Brookes University: The hard-working team on a well-earned lunch break near the source of Rambla Alias.
Oxford Brookes University: Careful measuring of the channel cross sectional area.
Oxford Brookes University: Recording data in the field is an important job.
Oxford Brookes University: Trekking back after a successful day up in the Sierra Cabrera, with a total of four sections recorded.
Oxford Brookes University: Group dinner to celebrate a successful week.
Oxford Brookes University: Carboneras at night.
Oxford Brookes University: First attempt at performing a steady-state double ring infiltration experiment.
Oxford Brookes University: The entire 2014 group at Castillo Arabe, on the outskirts of Tabernas. View to the north overlooks the Tabernas and Sorbas basins.
Oxford Brookes University: Geographers exploring headland at Cabo de Gata.