3-Step Protection Photography: 1169 at West Haven
3-Step Protection Photography: Clinchfield Heritage
3-Step Protection Photography: Metro-North 1167 at Stratford
3-Step Protection Photography: Geep Under the Wires
3-Step Protection Photography: 3645 at Old Saybrook
3-Step Protection Photography: New Haven - State Street Station
3-Step Protection Photography: Memories of the New Haven Railroad
3-Step Protection Photography: Test Extra 6697 at Walingford
3-Step Protection Photography: Coke Zero at the Carnival
3-Step Protection Photography: New Haven McGinnis: The Last Stand
3-Step Protection Photography: 4455 at North Haven
3-Step Protection Photography: 4407 at Wallingford
3-Step Protection Photography: 4463 at Wallingford
3-Step Protection Photography: Cruising Along Route 5
3-Step Protection Photography: McGinnis in the afternoon
3-Step Protection Photography: A Classic New England Scene
3-Step Protection Photography: Willow Interlocking