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Green Bikes Block Party by 3rd Ward
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3rd Ward
Waiting for Senator Schumer to take the stage!
3rd Ward
These ladies know their way around a record!
3rd Ward
Laura, Bryan & Rupert too!
3rd Ward
Waiting for Senator Schumer to take the stage!
3rd Ward
Waiting for Senator Schumer to take the stage!
3rd Ward
Waiting for Senator Schumer to take the stage!
3rd Ward
Waiting for Senator Schumer to take the stage!
3rd Ward
3rd Ward sunglasses are only around in the summer. And the staff hogs most of them!
3rd Ward
Ellie, Charles V. & Nikki Bagli huddle with Senator Schumer, Chris & Bryan
3rd Ward
Marketing & Events Director Nikki Bagli wtih Senator Charles Schumer
3rd Ward
After Nikki Bagli's introduction, there wasn't a dry eye in the house!
3rd Ward
Marketing & Events Director Nikki Bagli with Senator Schumer
3rd Ward
Schumer shows us how its done!
3rd Ward
Talk about a charasmatic guy!
3rd Ward
The room is PACKED!
3rd Ward
Green Bike is Wheeled out on Stage!
3rd Ward
3rd Ward
Senator Charles Schumer inspects his new bike!
3rd Ward
The BIG three!
3rd Ward
Senator Charles Schumer takes questions!
3rd Ward
Senator Charles Schumer takes questions!
3rd Ward
Nikki Bagli & Senator Schumer
3rd Ward
Senator Charles Schumer with Jason Goodman, Nikki Bagli & a GREEN BIKE!
3rd Ward
Senator Charles Schumer with Jason Goodman & a GREEN BIKE!
3rd Ward
Mindy can also make a drink & serve you a burger!
3rd Ward
Call me!
3rd Ward
Jamie is a Screen Printing MACHINE!
3rd Ward
Green Bike Block Party
3rd Ward
Green Bike Block Party
3rd Ward
Future Model?
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